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The Promomedia B Tour Championship The Promomedia B Tour Championship
B-Class Tour Champion
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Flyer is the 2014 Promomedia B Tour Champion
Round 1: 48 Players (Deadline = May 31)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 64 Bye Brian Kebic (Lucky)
2 Michel Denis (Hacker) 63 Bye Michel Denis (Hacker)
3 Terry Benson (T-Bone) 62 Bye Terry Benson (T-Bone)
4 Dan Marstel (Flyer) 61 Bye Dan Marstel (Flyer)
5 Joe Clark (Pukey J) 60 Bye Joe Clark (Pukey J)
6 David Windsor (Spud) 59 Bye David Windsor (Spud)
7 Mike Therien (Sunny) 58 Bye Mike Therien (Sunny)
8 Sebastien Campeau (Popeye) 57 Bye Sebastien Campeau (Popeye)
9 Jack Egan (Blue) 56 Bye Jack Egan (Blue)
10 Daniel J. Dore (DJD) 55 Bye Daniel J. Dore (DJD)
11 Robb Anderson (Cleats) 54 Bye Robb Anderson (Cleats)
12 John Davies (Steel Crazy) 53 Bye John Davies (Steel Crazy)
13 Ian Arsenault (ShortStack) 52 Bye Ian Arsenault (ShortStack)
14 Jeff Agate (Aggy) 51 Bye Jeff Agate (Aggy)
15 Jamie Ryan (Rulz) 50 Bye Jamie Ryan (Rulz)
16 Bill Garbarino (Garbo) 49 Sheldon Weatherstone (ShelGame) Sheldon Weatherstone (ShelGame) 16th
17 Dan Beaudry (GoTee) 48 Saied Moghadam (Supersy) Dan Beaudry (GoTee) 14th
18 Steve Swanson (Swanny) 47 Rick Turner (Gator) Steve Swanson (Swanny) 12th
19 Francis Hawco (Intruder) 46 Marc Loiselle (Birdman) Francis Hawco (Intruder) 16th
20 Steve Ryan (Stevie Ray) 45 Steve Day (Wilford) Steve Ryan (Stevie Ray) 11th
21 Jamie Salmon (Salmon) 44 Mark Tite (Spitz) Mark Tite (Spitz) 18th
22 Ian White (Number 7) 43 Peter Pisani (Pistol Pete) Ian White (Number 7) 16th
23 Paul Davey (Inch) 42 Alexander Detre (Rocky) Alexander Detre (Rocky) 17th
24 Travis Lyndon (The Game) 41 Haider Abbas (Duke) Haider Abbas (Duke) 19th
25 Michel Hotte (Turtle) 40 Ken Krasilycz (Eeyore) Ken Krasilycz (Eeyore) 17th
26 Marcell Slawter (Metro) 39 Darcy Jenkins (Ripzone) Marcell Slawter (Metro) Default
27 Bob Pepin (Pepilepu) 38 Joe Devlin (RoadWarrior) Joe Devlin (RoadWarrior) 18th
28 Ben McGovern (The Governor) 37 Jeff Gilchrist (Switch) Ben McGovern (The Governor) 15th
29 Sébastien Osborne (Ozzie) 36 Anthony Forde (Tones) Sébastien Osborne (Ozzie) 16th
30 Bob Theberge (Compressor) 35 Cecil Sirjoosingh (Ace) Cecil Sirjoosingh (Ace) 18th
31 Mike Muise (PizzaMan) 34 Richard Beaudoin (GreenReader) Richard Beaudoin (GreenReader) 19th
32 Wayne Coyle (Snake) 33 Scott Laflamme (XTour) Scott Laflamme (XTour) Default

Round 2: 32 Players (Deadline = June 30)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 49 Sheldon Weatherstone (ShelGame) Brian Kebic (Lucky) 16th
2 Michel Denis (Hacker) 44 Mark Tite (Spitz) Michel Denis (Hacker) 17th
3 Terry Benson (T-Bone) 42 Alexander Detre (Rocky) Alexander Detre (Rocky) 18th
4 Dan Marstel (Flyer) 41 Haider Abbas (Duke) Dan Marstel (Flyer) 13th
5 Joe Clark (Pukey J) 40 Ken Krasilycz (Eeyore) Ken Krasilycz (Eeyore) 18th
6 David Windsor (Spud) 38 Joe Devlin (RoadWarrior) Joe Devlin (RoadWarrior) 16th
7 Mike Therien (Sunny) 35 Cecil Sirjoosingh (Ace) Mike Therien (Sunny) 13th
8 Sebastien Campeau (Popeye) 34 Richard Beaudoin (GreenReader) Sebastien Campeau (Popeye) 14th
9 Jack Egan (Blue) 33 Scott Laflamme (XTour) Jack Egan (Blue) 10th
10 Daniel J. Dore (DJD) 29 Sébastien Osborne (Ozzie) Daniel J. Dore (DJD) 18th
11 Robb Anderson (Cleats) 28 Ben McGovern (The Governor) Ben McGovern (The Governor) 16th
12 John Davies (Steel Crazy) 26 Marcell Slawter (Metro) John Davies (Steel Crazy) 17th
13 Ian Arsenault (ShortStack) 22 Ian White (Number 7) Ian White (Number 7) 19th
14 Jeff Agate (Aggy) 20 Steve Ryan (Stevie Ray) Jeff Agate (Aggy) 18th
15 Jamie Ryan (Rulz) 19 Francis Hawco (Intruder) Francis Hawco (Intruder) 18th
17 Dan Beaudry (GoTee) 18 Steve Swanson (Swanny) Dan Beaudry (GoTee) 17th

Round 3: Sweet Sixteen (Deadline = July 31)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 42 Alexander Detre (Rocky) Brian Kebic (Lucky) 18th
2 Michel Denis (Hacker) 40 Ken Krasilycz (Eeyore) Michel Denis (Hacker) 15th
4 Dan Marstel (Flyer) 38 Joe Devlin (RoadWarrior) Dan Marstel (Flyer) 14th
7 Mike Therien (Sunny) 28 Ben McGovern (The Governor) Mike Therien (Sunny) 16th
8 Sebastien Campeau (Popeye) 22 Ian White (Number 7) Ian White (Number 7) 17th
9 Jack Egan (Blue) 19 Francis Hawco (Intruder) Jack Egan (Blue) 15th
10 Daniel J. Dore (DJD) 17 Dan Beaudry (GoTee) Dan Beaudry (GoTee) 17th
12 John Davies (Steel Crazy) 14 Jeff Agate (Aggy) Jeff Agate (Aggy) 14th

Round 4: Elite Eight (Deadline = August 30)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 22 Ian White (Number 7) Brian Kebic (Lucky) 17th
2 Michel Denis (Hacker) 17 Dan Beaudry (GoTee) Michel Denis (Hacker) 17th
4 Dan Marstel (Flyer) 14 Jeff Agate (Aggy) Dan Marstel (Flyer) 17th
28 Ben McGovern (The Governor)* 9 Jack Egan (Blue) Ben McGovern (The Governor) 17th

*The Governor lost to Sunny in round three but will move on because Sunny improved his scoring median
to three-strokes better than the requirement for this division. Congrats Sunny!

Round 5: Final Four (Deadline = September 15)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 28 Ben McGovern (The Governor) Brian Kebic (Lucky) 13th
2 Michel Denis (Hacker) 4 Dan Marstel (Flyer) Dan Marstel (Flyer) 16th

Championship Match (Deadline = September 30)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Brian Kebic (Lucky) 2 Dan Marstel (Flyer) Dan Marstel (Flyer) 15th

*** Seedings are based on previous year placing, scoring median, and minor adjustments by Slammer Tour Management ***

Send an email to if you think your registration may have been missed.

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